Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Lowongan Bank Kaltim

Bank BPD Kaltim is one of the Regional Companies (enterprises) owned by Provincial Government and Regency / City of East Kalimantan as the brainchild of Governor sebagal KDH Level I Kaltim Mr. A. Moeis Hasan established on October 14, 1965 based on the law.

Level I East Kalimantari Number: 03/PD164 dated 19 September 1964 which was approved by the Minister of the Interior 9 / I 0/8-45 dated April 1, 1965. Then the law. The changes in East Kalimantan Provincial Regulation No. 02 Year 2002 date of II February 2002 on the East Kalimantan Regional Development Banks, Regional Regulation No. 02 of 2006 dated 26 April 2006 concerning the First Amendment Regulation of the East Kalimantan Provincial Namor 02, 2002.

Bank BPD Kaltim as a commercial bank, having reached 41 years of age has been operating as a foreign exchange bank with the permission of BI Avg. 5/48/KERDGS/2003tanggal 13 November 2003, and also has business activities are based on Sharia Principles Permit and Operating Permit No. and Bank Indonesia. 8/5/DS/SmrTanggal 27 November
And No. 2006. 8/7/DS/SmrTanggal December 22, 2006.

The presence of BPD Kaltim Bank was founded with the intent and purpose is to assist and encourage economic growth & development in all sectors and regions sebagal one source of revenue in order to improve the standard of living so that the realization of a prosperous community of East Kalimantan.

Over time, Bank BPD Kaltim growing. A number of business sectors began ogled for cultivation. But the umbrella of existing law, limiting the space for the Bank BPD Kaltim to grow dynamically.

Anticipation was done the owner, the Provincial Government and Regency / City-East Kalimantan, which proposed re-amended Perda No. 02 of 2002 on Regional Development Bank Kaltim. April 26, 2006 was born the law No. 02 of 2006 on the First Amendment of East Kalimantan Provincial Regulation No. 02 of 2002 regarding the East Kalimantan Regional Development Banks.

With the latest legal basis regulation 02 Th 2006 No. BI accompanied by a letter. 5/48/KEP.DGS/2003 dated 13 November 2003, Bank BPD Kaltim improve its operational status of the Commercial Bank Foreign Exchange.

Furthermore, based on the Principles and Operational Permits Permit from Bank Indonesia BI Number stated in the letter: 8/5/DS/Smr 27 November 2006 and the letter BI Number: 8/7/DS/Smr dated December 22, 2006, the Bank conducts business BPD Kaltim Sharia is officially opened on December 27, 2006.

Bank Syariah Unit BPD Kaltim was named Bank BPD Kaltim Sharia, currently based in Jl. Jend. A Yani Samarinda.

BPD Kaltim adalah salah satu Perusahaan Daerah (BUMD) milik Pemerintah Provinsi dan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota se-Kaltim sebagal hasil buah pikiran Gubernur KDH Tingkat I Kaltim Bapak A. Moeis Hasan yang didirikan tanggal 14 Oktober 1965 berdasarkan Perda. Tingkat I Kalimantari Timur Nomor: 03/PD164 tanggal 19 September 1964 yang telah mendapat persetujuan Menteri Dalam Negeri No.9/I 0/8-45 tanggal 01 April 1965. Kemudian Perda. tersebut mengalami perubahan dalam Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Nomor 02 Tahun 2002 tanggai I I Pebruari 2002 tentang Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur, Peraturan Daerah Nomor 02 Tahun 2006 tanggal 26 April 2006 tentang Perubahan Pertama Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Namor 02 Tahun 2002.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Kaltim 2012

  1. Audit (AUDI)
  2. Administrasi (ADM)

Audit (AUDI)

  • Usia Maksimal 22 th
  • Pria / wanita
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi A 2.75
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi B 2.75
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi C 2.75
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi D 2.75

Administrasi (ADM)

  • Usia Maksimal 30
  • Jenis Kelamin Semua
  • Status Pernikahan Belum Menikah
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi A 2.75
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi B 3.00
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi C 3.25
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi D 4.00

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source: Infokarirbumn.blogspot.com


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