PT. Indolakto is the largest producer in Indonesia, which produces, among others, sweetened condensed milk, liquid milk (milk Indolakto is one of a High Temperature or UHT, sterilized bottled milk, pasteurized milk) and milk powder. In addition, Indolakto also produces ice cream, yogurt drinks and butter. Indolakto brands including Indomilk, Cap Enaak, Tiga Sapi, Orchid Butter, and Indoeskrim,
PT SMART Tbk is one of the largest, publicly-listed, integrated palm-based consumer companies in Indonesia which is committed to sustainable palm oil production.SMART listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 1992. SMART is a subsidiary of Golden Agri-Resources Ltd ("GAR"), which is one of the largest palm-based companies in the world which is listed on the Singapore Exchange. SMART
PT. JIMMULYA is proud to be one of the leaders in support services and as manpower supplier in the oil and gas industry, specifically in the exploration phases. We have been involved in exploration, seismic operations in particular, for more than 30 years throughout Indonesia and other parts of South East Asia. Currently we are looking for suitable candidate for the following position CIVIL
Surya Indo Plastic (SIP) adalah PMA murni yang bergerak di bidang Kemasan Plastik Thermoformed yang fokus pada kualitas terbaik dan kepuasan customer. Sebagai produsen Kemasan Plastik Thermoformed, SIP berkomitmen untuk menjalankan praktik yang aman terhadap lingkungan dan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan. Untuk dapat mencapai visi tersebut, SIP membutuhkan kandidat yang berkualitas serta
Junior Secretary and Finance Assistant Position With over 30 years’ experience, Air Energi are the premier supplier of trusted expertise to the oil and gas industry. Headquartered in Manchester UK, Air Energi has regional hubs in Houston, Doha, Singapore and Brisbane. We have offices in 35 locations worldwide, experience of supply for 50 countries worldwide, […]
AGAPE SOFTWARE INDONESIA, PT PHP Programmer and Front End Web Developer. We were established originally in early 2005 as a software company and our operations have expanded over the years, working together with experienced and professional staffs in the software industry. Agape software is able to develop all software requirements from front end to back […]
At the core of the customer experience with e-commerce storefronts is the expectation of a similar experience regardless of channel.
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Marketing Executive and Assistant Job @ HaPe Interior Design Job Title: Marketing Executive and Assistant Work at Sanur Bali. Job Descriptions: - deliver the WOW experience to clients - marketing our brand to gain of the firm to gain the attention of prospective clients - also assist the company owner in overall operations and administrative - responsible for marketing including development and review of ...
Data Entry and Admin Assistant Job @ TB Simatupang With over 30 years’ experience, Air Energi are the premier supplier of trusted expertise to the oil and gas industry. Headquartered in Manchester UK, Air Energi has regional hubs in Houston, Doha, Singapore and Brisbane. We have offices in 35 locations worldwide, experience of supply for 50 countries worldwide, and through our company values: Safe, ...
Accountant / Cashier Vacancy @ CWS Indonesia CWS Indonesia ( is an international relief, development, and refugee assistance agency that has been operating in Indonesia for many years under an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs. CWS Indonesia is the field office of CWS, Inc., headquartered in New York. CWS assists the most vulnerable, regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity, or ...
This email was sent to You are receiving this newsletter because you opted-in to receive relevant communications from If you would like to manage your newsletter preferences or if you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please click here., Jakarta Barat Contact:
Lowongan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai Bali adalah salah satu bandara terkemuka yang berada dibawah pengelolaan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang mempunyai spesialisasi dalam pengelolaan bandara. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) saat ini mengelola 13 Bandara yang tersebar dari Indonesia Bagian Tengah hingga Timur mulai [...]
Jobs PT Honda Trading Indonesia Honda Trading was established in March 1972 as a pioneering venture imbued with Honda's venturesome spirit. Since that time, we have gone on to tackle various new areas of business and have grown to become an integral part of the Honda Group, capable of responding quickly and precisely to Honda's [...]
Lowongan Kerja 2014 PT Pertamina Training & Consulting adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Pelatihan, Konsultasi dan Rekrutmen. Saat ini kami membutuhkan Legal dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut : LEGAL Kualifikasi : Laki-laki/Perempuan Usia maks. 35 Tahun Pendidikan S1 dan IPK Min. 3,00 Lulusan Fakultas Hukum Mengutamakan yang Berpengalaman Bekerja di Bidang Hukum min. 3 Tahun [...]
Lowongan Kerja PT. Propan Raya ICC Lampung - PT Propan Raya ICC adalah sebuah perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak khusus di bidang chemical coating atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah cat. Saat ini PT. Propan Raya ICC Lampung sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja sebagai berikut:
Persyaratan: - Memiliki pengalaman min 1 tahun dibidangnya - Pria (1,2,4) dan wanita (3,5) - Terbiasa membawakan presentasi (2) - Pendidikan min D3 Teknik (1) - Pendidikan terakhir jurusan Analis Kimia (4) - Tidak buta warna (4)
Lamaran dapat dikirimkan langsung ke alaamat: PT. Propan Raya ICC Jl. Tembesu 1 No. 02 Campang Raya, Kompleks Pergudangan Bulog, Bandar Lampung (Depan Gudang Grand)
Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat 1 minggu sejak diterbitkannya iklan ini.
Sumber info lowongan kerja: Tribun Lampung, edisi tanggal 21 Desember 2013 Jangan lupa, follow kami di Twitter @KarirLampung dan Facebook KarirLampungDotCom. Semoga informasi Lowongan Kerja Lampung Terbaru di yang kami sajikan ini bermanfaat dan bisa membantu mengurangi jumlah pengangguran di Lampung.
Do you like to be successful with the Internet? I bet you want!
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If you are sick of the fog of wrong information, then this product is the tool you need to dispel it.
LOWONGAN KERJA BUMN 2013 - PT Unilever Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan dan manufaktur barang-barang konsumen dengan standar dunia. Perseroan mengkemas berbagai produk yang menjamin permintaan kebutuhan konsumen berjenis makanan, minuman, dan produk keluarga lainnya. Perjalanan perusahaan sudah ada sejak tahun 1930 dengan basis dibelanda dan masuk ke negara indonesia sejak tahun 1933. PT Unilever Indonesia sudah memproduksi berbagai barang - barang dengan merek terkenal, sebut saja sunsilk, rinso, clear, Dove, lifeboy, pepsodent, Lux, Clear, citra, dana masih banyak lagi.
Dengan pengalaman yang begitu lama, perseroan memberikan pelayanan terbaik dengan tetap terus mencari dan menghasilkan ide-ide inovasi produk terbaru. Dengan didukung pengolahan produk yang menggunakan teknologi canggih dan memiliki tenaga kerja yang profesional dan bertalenta mencapai 206.000 orang. Unilever indonesia mampu mengembangkan berbagai produk melalui jaringan yang luas dan mampu mendapatkan posisi teratas dalam pasar penjualan. Perusahaan ini sudah tercatat di bursa efek jakarta sejak tahun 1981.
Lowongan kerja PT Unilever Indonesia
Berbagai produk yang dihasilkan dari perseroan sudah memiliki pasar ekspor keberbagai negara tetangga bahkan ke benua eropa. Dalam meningkatkan pelayanan distribusi, ekspor dan pemasaran perusahaan mencari beberapa talenta muda yang berbakat dan memiliki kemampuan sesuai dengan bidang dan jurusan melalui lowongan kerja terbaru PT Unilever Indonesia berikut ini
Temporary finance admin
Penempatan di banjarmasin
Calon kandidat Dengan gelar diploma D3
Calon kandidat Dengan jurusan akuntansi atau finance
Indeks prestasi komulatif minimal 2.75
Calon kandidat Bisa menggunakan komputer
Calon kandidat Punya skill komunikasi
Calon kandidat Bisa berbahasa inggris
Calon kandidat Mampu bekerja dengan team atau mandiri
Calon kandidat Dengan umur dibawah 28 tahun
Calon kandidat Berpengalaman kerja sebagai admin
Bila kamu memiliki kriteria dan kualifikasi seperti persyaratan Temporary finance admin diatas, silakan kirimkan aplikasi lamaran anda melalui via jobsDB sebelum batas penutupan yang sudah ditentukan
Itulah informasi terbaru yang kami publish tentang pengumuman lowongan kerja dari PT Unilever Indonesia dibulan desember 2013. Terimakasih telah membaca dan berkunjung di blog loker sederhana ini. Gbu
If you're not rolling in dough from creating iPad apps and selling them online ... what gives?
You don't have all the time in the world to get into this ridiculously lucrative market!
In no time flat the iPad app market could become saturated with too many apps just like the iPhone market was!
Take advantage of this money-making opportunity while you still can! You're going to regret this like crazy later if you don't!
Making iPad apps is easier, faster and more profitable than anyone ever thought before.
You don't have to be a programmer to make a decent app anymore. Most of the time you can just hire a cheap programmer if you need any major programming done, and still make huge profits off your apps!
I've written a very comprehensive report that can tell you literally everything you need to know about making good iPad apps and profiting off them in the iPad application market!
The report is very easy to read and understand and requires minimal computer knowledge to take advantage of.
You could be making insane iPad apps that sell like hotcakes in just a few weeks, even less if you're a fast reader!
Like I said, this opportunity isn't going to last forever so you need to jump on this as soon as possible and get your money making apps out there fast.
DMTc Training & Coaching menginformasikan pelatihan-pelatihan public dibidang finance & accounting management, audit & fraud, dan perpajakan yang akan dilaksanakan di bulan January 2014. DMTc juga memberikan pelatihan in-house yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan program coaching. Silahkan hubungi kami di (021)837 04065 untuk pendaftaran dan informasi detail silabus. Silabus dapat di akses juga d
Kami mohon maaf apabila email ini menggangu kenyamanan Bapak dan Ibu. Silahkan email ke admin dengan subjectREMOVE ME, jika Bapak dan Ibu tidak berkenan lagi menerima email ini
Leadership for Finance and Accounting Professionals
9 - 10 Jan
Cash Flow & Treasury Management - Driving to Positive Cash
20 - 21
Finance dan Accounting memiliki karakteristik dan peran yang sangat unik, yang berbeda dengan fungsional lainnya, sehingga seorang leader maupun calon leader di fungsi tersebut harus dapat memahaminya dan memiliki pendekatan serta keahlian tersendiri. Pada pelatihan ini para peserta akan dibekali dengan kemampuan dalam membangun jiwa kepemimpinan terutama di fungsi finance dan accounting.
Pelatihan Cash Flow & Treasury Management ini yang diperuntukan bagi para peserta dengan latarbelakang industry non financial ini, akan membahas pengelolaan kas secara menyeluruh mulai dari analisa, perencanaan, pengendalian dan operasional pengelolaan kas hingga penentuan strategi pengelolaan kas.Sehingga diharapkan para peserta dapat berkontribusi dalam menciptakan kondisi keuangan terutama kas perusahaan yang sehat.
Cost Accounting & Control � Mining Industry
20 - 21 Jan
Pedoman Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Pertambangan
22 - 23 Jan
Pelatihan Cost Accounting dan Control ini, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan peserta terutama dalam industry pertambangan dalam menghitung dan mencatat biaya-biaya dalam menentukan biaya produksi . Peserta juga akan dibekali teknik alokasi biaya, aspek pajak,penentuan nilai persedian tambang dan teknik aplikatif dalam mengendalikan biaya
Industri Pertambangan merupakan industry yang spesifik dan memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Oleh karenanya, dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan diatur oleh pedoman khusus, termasuk juga peraturan perpajakannya. Dalam pelatihan intensive dua hari ini para peserta akan dibekali dengan pedoman penyajian laporan keuangan berbasik PSAK, IFRS dan perpajakan yang terkini. Sehingga para peserta dapat membuat laporan keuangan dengan baik dan benar sesuai dengan acuan yang berlaku
Negotiation Skill For Purchasing
22 - 23 Jan
Fixed & Intangible Asset Accounting and Management
23 - 24 Jan
Pelatihan yang akan mengasah kemampuan bernegosiasi bagi para purchasing dengan memadukan antara teknik negosiasi dan strategi purchasing. Para peserta juga akan diajak secara langsung untuk melakukan negosiasi dengan metode role play
Pelatihan Fixed & Intangible Asset Accounting & Management selama 2 hari ini, akan membahas secara detail dan menyeluruh, mulai dari pengakuan akuntansi berdasarkan PSAK yang mengadopsi IFRS dan peraturan perpajakan terkini hingga pengelolaan, pengontrolan dan penilaian Fixed & Intangible Asset
Interviewing Skills for Anti-Fraud � Audit & Psychological Approach
28 -29 Jan
Administration for Purchasing
29 Jan
Dengan wawancara dan interogasi yang baik para anti fraud dapat memperoleh bukti dan pengakuantersangka yang terkait dengan fraud tanpa perlu melakukankekerasan. Oleh karena itu, sudah semestinyapara anti fraudperlu memahami secara mendalam tentang teknik wawancara dan interogasi agar mendapatkan informasi yang diinginkan, termasuk memahami aspek psikologis
Proses pemebelian merupakan hal yang penting bagi jalannya perusahaan dan melibatkan nilai pembelian yang tinggi, oleh karenanya untuk menciptakan proses pembelian yang efisien dan terkendali dibutuhkan prosedur dan dukungan administrasi yang baik pula. Pada pelatihan ini para peserta akan dibekali dengan pengetahuan membangun administrasi dan prosedur yang juga disertai contoh-contohnya.
Materi Training Lainnya � January 2014
Finance & Accounting Management Courses
Judul Pelatihan
Judul Pelatihan
Credit Analysis, Monitoring and Problem Solving
7 - 8
Financial Reporting for Non Profit Organization
9 - 10
Accounting Control - Practice and Tricks
9 - 10
Financial Statement Analysis for Non Financial Institution
16 -17
Corporate Finance Management
16 -17
Optimizing Budget With Excel Spreadsheet
20 - 21
Business Combination and Consolidation Financial Reporting
20 - 21
Standard Operating Procedure Accounting - Hotel dan Restaurant
21 - 22
Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Berbasis IFRS, PSAK dan Perpajakan Terkini
22 - 23
Account Payable Management
23 - 24
Negotiation, Persuasion & Communication Skills for Collector
27 - 28
Basic Accounting Knowledge for Business
28 - 29
Audit & Fraud Courses
Risk-based Internal Auditing (RBA) - COSO Based
8 - 9
Detecting Creative Accounting and Financial Report Fraud
9 - 10
Fraud Auditing In Financial Institutions - Banking & Insurance Practice Approaches
9 - 10
Risk-based Internal Auditing For Purchasing
27 - 28
Production & Operation Management Courses
Inventory & Warehouse Management
16 - 17
Best Practice Supply Chain Management
27 - 28
Lokasi Pelatihan & Biaya
Lokasi : DMTc Training Center, Gedung Ariobimo Jln HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta
Investasi :Rp 3.000.000 per person
Contact DMTc
Graha Pelangi 3rd Fl, Jln Abdullah Syafei, Casablanca no 25, Bukit Duri, Jakarta Selatan.
PT. Siam Maspion Terminal (SMT) is a joint venture company between PT. Maspion Investindo and SCG Chemicals (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Duly organized and existing under the laws of Republic of Indonesia and having its principal place of business at Jl. Kembang Jepun 38-40 Surabaya 60162, Indonesia. Operation office is located at Maspion Industrial Estate, Manyar-Gresik, East Java and started operation since 1998, it is Jetty Operator for loading/unloading liquid and gas cargo to serve the activities of manufacturing companies inside Maspion Industrial Estate and surrounded area with. Read more »
PT. iKonsultan Inovatama (iKon) is one of the leading local IT and Management Consulting company in Indonesia. For more than 11 years, PT. iKonsultan Inovatama has helped many prominent companies to enhance their business performance and strengthen their competitive advantages through various initiatives such as: Formulate their business and IT strategySelect and successfully implement various world-class applicationsManage complex and large business and IT projectsTo strengthen our team, we are looking for young, energetic, highly motivated individuals who are passionate to have a challenging career in IT and management consulting industry. Read more »
PT. Duta Sarana Perkasa (Dusaspun) is a leader in manufacturing steel reinforced concrete pipes and associated precast concrete products in the Indonesian market. Supported by a workforce of over 1000 personnel, Dusaspun provides precast products and services to major locations throughout Indonesia. Read more »
Junior Secretary and Finance Assistant Position With over 30 years’ experience, Air Energi are the premier supplier of trusted expertise to the oil and gas industry. Headquartered in Manchester UK, Air Energi has regional hubs in Houston, Doha, Singapore and Brisbane. We have offices in 35 locations worldwide, experience of supply for 50 countries worldwide, […]
AGAPE SOFTWARE INDONESIA, PT PHP Programmer and Front End Web Developer. We were established originally in early 2005 as a software company and our operations have expanded over the years, working together with experienced and professional staffs in the software industry. Agape software is able to develop all software requirements from front end to back […]
Social media isn't just a list of destinations. It's a new standard of expectations. Connect with your customers online or your competitors will.
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Marketing Executive and Assistant Job @ HaPe Interior Design Job Title: Marketing Executive and Assistant Work at Sanur Bali. Job Descriptions: - deliver the WOW experience to clients - marketing our brand to gain of the firm to gain the attention of prospective clients - also assist the company owner in overall operations and administrative - responsible for marketing including development and review of ...
Data Entry and Admin Assistant Job @ TB Simatupang With over 30 years’ experience, Air Energi are the premier supplier of trusted expertise to the oil and gas industry. Headquartered in Manchester UK, Air Energi has regional hubs in Houston, Doha, Singapore and Brisbane. We have offices in 35 locations worldwide, experience of supply for 50 countries worldwide, and through our company values: Safe, ...
Accountant / Cashier Vacancy @ CWS Indonesia CWS Indonesia ( is an international relief, development, and refugee assistance agency that has been operating in Indonesia for many years under an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs. CWS Indonesia is the field office of CWS, Inc., headquartered in New York. CWS assists the most vulnerable, regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity, or ...
This email was sent to You are receiving this newsletter because you opted-in to receive relevant communications from If you would like to manage your newsletter preferences or if you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please click here., Jakarta Barat Contact:
Lowongan Mekanik Lampung: PT. Surganya Motor Indonesia (Planet Ban) - Closing Date: 4 Januari 2014 - PT. Surganya Motor Indonesia adalah perusahaan retail ban motor yang berkantor pusat di Depok dan pemasaran ban via toko dengan nama Planet Ban. Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja sebagai:
Persyaratan: - Pria - Usia maks 30 tahun - Pendidikan min SMA/SMK (lebih disukai jurusan otomotif) - Bisa bongkar pasang ban
Ketentuan Umum: - Menyukai dunia otomotif - Pekerja keras, jujur dan teliti - Bersedia menyerahkan ijazah asli terakhir selama bekerja di perusahaaan ini - Bersedia long shift (jam 09.00 - 21.00), seminggu (5 hari kerja, 2 hari libur) - Bersedia mengikuti training di kantor pusat di Depok (mendapatkan mess dan makan) - Penempatan di Lampung
Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silakan kirimkan CV, lamaran lengkap dan pas foto terakhir ke alamat email:
Atau kirim SMS ke nomor 088112374 dengan format: Wilayah Penempatan, Nama, Jenis Kelamin, Umur, Pendidikan Terakhir, Alamat Lengkap, Posisi yang dilamar.
1. Salesman Spare Part Persyaratan: - Usia maks 27 tahun - Pendidikan min SMA sederajad - Supel - Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan bermotor
2. Administrator Persyaratan: - Usia maks 25 tahun - Pendidikan min SMA sederajad - Teliti dan cekatan - Menguasai MS Excel
3. Warehouse Crew / Pegawai Gudang Persyaratan: - Usia maks 25 tahun - Pendidikan min SMA sederajad - Teliti dan cekatan
4. Marketing Executive Persyaratan: - Usia maks 30 tahun - Pendidikan min SMA sederajad - Supel dan siap bekerjasama dalam team - Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan bermotor
Tata cara pendaftaran: 1. Via SMS dengan format: Lowongan / Posisi / Nama / Alamat / No. Telp / TTL dan kirimkan ke 0898 8181 818, atau 2. Kirimkan surat lamaran Anda langsung ke alamat: Jl. Raya Natar No. 93 Merak Batin, Natar, Lampung Selatan, Telp. 0721-92661
Sumber info lowongan kerja: Tribun Lampung, edisi tanggal 21 Desember 2013
Lowongan Marketing KSP Nasari Kantor Cabang Pembantu Lampung - KSP Nasari adalah sebuah koperasi nasional yang setara dengan perbankan yang sedang berkembang pesat. Saat ini kami sedang melakukan ekspansi ke berbagai kota di Indonesia, termasuk Lampung, dan sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja sebagai:
Persyaratan: - Pendidikan min D3 - Usia maks 30 tahun - Memiliki pengalaman sebagai marketing (diutamakan) - Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh kantor cabang KSP Nasari
Bagi Anda yang berminat, antarkan lamaran dan CV ke: KSP Nasari Kantor Cabang Pembantu Lampung Alamat: Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 24 B, Bandar Lampung Telp. 0721-253594
Sumber info lowongan kerja: Tribun Lampung, edisi tanggal 21 Desember 2013
Lowongan Tenaga Promosi (Part Time) NUSANTARA ACC - Closing Date: 7 Januari 2014 - Nusantara ACC adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distributor aksesoris handphone di Bandar Lampung. Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga guna menempati posisi sebagai:
Tenaga Promosi (Part Time)
Deskripsi Kerja: Sebagai tenaga promosi untuk di sekolah atau kampus-nya
Peryaratan: - Wanita atau pria - Masih sekolah atau kuliah - Bisa bekerja part time - Punya kendaraan sendiri
Antar surat lamaran langsung ke: Nusantara ACC Alamat: Jl. Pagar Alam (Gang PU) No.100A Kedaton - Bandar Lampung CP : 0853 8115 6789
Kami tunggu lamaran Anda paling lambat tanggal 7 Januari 2014
Sumber info lowongan kerja: Owner Nusantara ACC, via inbox Facebook KarirLampungdotcom, tanggal 21 Desember 2013
Lowongan Pengajar Mahanka Institute Bandar Lampung - Closing Date: 31 Desember 2013 - Mahanka Insitute Bandar Lampung adalah lembaga Pendidikan Karakter dan Kecerdasan! Mencari Pengajar Muda yang profesional yang ingin SUKSES BESAR bersama kami, dengan syarat sbb :
- S1 Bimbingan Konseling / Psikolog - Wanita berhijab - Min usia 23 Tahun - IP min 3.25 - Berpengalaman mengajar - Sangat mengerti pembuatan Silabus - Jujur, Disiplin dan memiliki Kendaraan
Kirim surat lamaran dan CV lengkap serta data penunjang email HRD Mahanka Insitute " dan"
Lowongan ini Berlaku sd 31 Des 2014.
Sumber info lowongan: HRD Mahanka Institute, via inbox Facebook KarirLampungdotcom, tanggal 21 Desember 2013
Unique Lean-Body Workouts for Time-Crunched People: Super-Fast "Multi-Workouts" to do at Home or the Office
Warning: this style of workout is WAY different than anything you've ever tried before and may result in a dramatically leaner, stronger body so that your friends no longer recognize you in a matter of weeks!
Alright, I exaggerated about your friends recognizing you, but this workout is still great for busy people that always use the excuse that they don't have time to go to the gym, or even for the normal gym rat to try out for a few weeks to break out of a plateau.
Please keep an open-mind and don't worry so much about what other people think, because this is quite different and you may get some funny looks, but you'll get the last laugh with your new rock hard body! To be honest, most people are too self conscious to try something like this. If that's the case for you, then that's your loss.
Here's how it works (these workouts can be done at home or even in your office):
Instead of doing your traditional workouts of going to the gym 3-4 times a week and doing your normal weight training and cardio routines for 45-60 minutes at a shot... with this program, you will be working out for just a couple minutes at a time, several times throughout each day, 5 days/week.
The program will consist of only bodyweight exercises done for about 2-3 minutes, 6-8 times per day, throughout each day. Now obviously if you work a normal office job, you are going to have to not be shy about doing a few exercises in your office and having your cube-mates watch you. Actually, I've found that some people that have tried this have actually gotten their co-workers to join them!
If you have a private office, then you don't have to worry about anybody watching you. If you work from home, or are a stay at home mom, there's no reason you can't fit these in throughout the day while at home. If you end up having a busy day with meetings and so forth, and can only fit a couple of these 2-minute workouts in, then so be it, but try to get as many done each day as you can.
If you're on a normal 9-5 office schedule, I recommend doing your 2-minute workouts every hour, on the hour, with the exception of lunch. For example, you could try 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, and 4 pm.
bodyweight squats (and variations) pushups (and variations) forward, reverse, or walking lunges up & down a staircase if one is available floor planks (holding the plank position from forearms and feet) floor abs exercises such as lying leg thrusts, ab bicycles, etc. one-legged bodyweight Romanian deadlifts
This list is not fully comprehensive, but I wanted to keep it relatively simple. If you know other good bodyweight exercises, you can add those to your routine also. If you want to keep it real simple and don't want to get down on the floor for anything, you can stick to squats, lunges, and pushups and still get great results.
The good thing about these workouts is that you do enough in 2-3 minutes to get your blood pumping, heart rate up a bit, a large portion of your body's muscles worked, and body temperature raised. However, it's usually not enough to break a sweat in only 2 or 3 minutes, so you don't have to worry about sweating in the office or where ever you may be. At most, you might just get a little moist on the skin.
Here's an example workout routine at home or the office (adjust the reps up or down based on your capabilities):
Mon/Wed/Fri 9 am - 10 pushups/15 bodyweight squats, repeat 1X for 2 sets 10 am - plank holds (hold the planks as long as you can taking short rest breaks for a total of 3 minutes) 11 am - 5 pushups/10 bodyweight squats, repeat for 4 sets 1 pm - plank holds (hold as long as possible in 3 minutes) 2 pm - 8 pushups/12 bodyweight squats, repeat for 3 sets 3 pm - plank holds (hold as long as possible in 3 minutes) 4 pm - max pushups/max bodyweight squats in one set (no repeat)
Tues/Thurs 9 am - 6 fwd lunges each leg/6 rev lunges, repeat 1X for 2 sets 10 am - one legged bw Romanian deadlifts (RDL) 6 each leg/floor abs for 20 sec, repeat 1X for 2 sets 11 am - 3 fwd lunges each leg/3 rev lunges, repeat for 4 sets 1 pm - one legged bw RDL 3 each leg/floor abs for 20 sec, repeat for 4 sets 2 pm - 5 fwd lunges each leg/5 rev lunges, repeat for 3 sets 3 pm - one legged bw RDL 10 each leg/floor abs for 30 sec (no repeat) 4 pm - max fwd lunges each leg/max rev lunges in one set (no repeat)
In order to progress on these workouts, you could either add 1 or 2 reps to each set per week, or you could progress to more difficult versions of each exercise each week (for example, close grip pushups, one leg raised pushups, squats with arms raised straight over head, etc.).
The above routines are just a couple examples of how you can use this very unique style of training. Use your creativity and come up with your own. Think about what you've accomplished with these "mini" workouts completed throughout each day... You've increased your heart rate and pumped up your muscles 6-8 different times throughout each day, burning a lot of extra calories and stimulating your metabolism.
Even though each "mini" workout was a very short duration, you've accumulated lots of repetitions for almost every muscle throughout your entire body, and you didn't even have to break a sweat during any of the "mini" workouts. And there's hardly any excuse for not being able to take a 2-minute break once per hour and do a couple of exercises.
Another benefit of this style of training is that now you don't have to devote any time before or after work to going to the gym because you already got your workouts little by little throughout the day. You've now got some extra free time on your hands!
Try this type of time-efficient workout routine out for 3-4 weeks and then go back to your normal gym routines. I think you'll find that it was a great way to break out of a plateau and stimulate new results in your body. You can try mixing in a cycle of these "mini" workouts every couple of months to keep things fresh.
Keep in mind that this is only one method of training and doesn't mean that you should only stick to this method for eternity. You will hit a plateau on any given training method, so I'd recommend just rotating it into your arsenal of various training methods. And by all means, don't worry so much about what other people think...have the courage to try something a little different. In the end, you'll be the one laughing back at all of the "blubber-bellies" at your office that are giving you funny looks while they eat their donuts!
Feel free to email this link on to any friends or coworkers that you think would like to try these types of unique quick daily workouts. Heck, try to get your co-workers to do these with you if you can!
If you liked the ideas in this article, please feel free to share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, etc:
If you liked these training ideas, my internationally best-selling ebook The Truth about Six Pack Abs contains hundreds of more innovative training and nutrition ideas to lose stubborn body fat and carve out a rock hard set of abs and a flat stomach.
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Candidates who are seeking a job in special education face unique challenges because they need to present themselves as more than a general teacher. They need to prove they are true specialists in the education field. Principals will be looking for special education teachers who are masters in developing differentiated lessons, experts in child disabilities, advocates for students, and able to work cooperatively on a team of professional educators.
When you interview for a special education job, it is likely you'll be asked many of the standard questions that are presented to all teacher candidates. This includes questions about classroom management, parent communication, technology, and your philosophy of teaching. But, you will also be faced with additional questions that are specific to special education. You answers to these questions will help you prove your dedication to and background knowledge of special education.
I always recommend candidates familiarize themselves with possible interview questions beforehand. Most teacher interview questions are relatively predictable and, if you think about what might be asked, and develop possible answers in your mind, the actual interview will seem routine and familiar.
Below are a few thoughts for special education candidates who are preparing for their next interview.
Know your future students.
Special education teachers are specialists in a huge variety of academic, emotional, and physical disorders that students have. You'll need to know about and discuss specific disorders. Know what the symptoms of the disorder are, what types of services might be available for these children, and be armed with some effective teaching strategies.
A few of the many specific classifications you might want to be sure you're familiar with are: speech disorders language and processing difficulties autism and Aspergers disease emotional and behavioral disorders ADD and ADHD physical handicaps Tourette's Syndrome Cerebral Palsy
Don't be the candidate who doesn't know an IEP from a CSE.
A special education candidate should realize that the job will require more than just teaching students. There will be lots of meetings to attend in which you discuss student needs, goals, successes and failures. There will be plenty of papers to fill out which document student progress and plans for future instruction. And you'll be the go-to person when other teachers have questions about a student's needs or abilities. Be prepared to discuss the job requirements that go "beyond teaching", including:
IEP (Individualized Education Program) - Know what an IEP is and how to write one. When you become a special education teacher, it may (at times) seem like your career revolves around IEP paperwork, so be prepared to talk about this in-depth.CSE (Committee on Special Education)- Know what an CSE meeting is, how they're conducted, and what the role of the special education teacher is. If you have ANY experience being a part of a CSE (or other special ed.) meeting, please emphasize this at your interview as it will give you an edge over many more inexperienced candidates. Prepare yourself beforehand by studying up on the school district's process for referring students. They may have a Child Study Team or other type of group for determining which students need special education services and which students do not. Do your research to figure out what tests are administered to determine eligibility for the program. Also, it can be especially helpful if you know what services are available within the school and which are not. Be prepared to talk about how you'll be able to help school faculty members who need guidance in dealing with special education students. Many students will be pushed into regular education setting for all or part of the school day. When other teachers have questions or concerns about a special education student's achievement, you'll be the one they turn to. You may be asked to help them adapt the curriculum so students can reach their fullest potential.
It takes a team to educate a child.
You'll definitely want to emphasize your ability to work cooperatively with other teachers and support staff. There is a team-approach to a special education student's successes. You'll be required to work closely with regular education teachers, PT and OT teachers, speech teachers, counselors and social workers, special education administration, and resource teachers. Be ready to discuss your role on the team of educators who will be responsible for the success of your students.
In many situations, special education students will have a teacher aides or you may even be given an assistants to help you out through the day. Be prepared to discuss how you might use the support staff in a way that benefits the student. Remember: You do want to foster independence in your students, so you won't want them to be overly-dependent on an aide or assistant. However, the student will have very specialized needs which may require an extra pair of hands. At your interview, you may be asked how you will use support staff to balance the ability and limitations of your students.
Strive for Least Restrictive Environment.
One of the goals of special education should be to ensure that all students learn by being challenged, but not overwhelmed. While some students may be in a self-contained special education program, others may be mainstreamed or a part of an inclusion program. Your goal should be to ensure that no student is ever over-classified. He/she should always be given as "normal" of a school experience as possible.
In the United States, students with disabilities are legally entitled to be educated alongside students without disabilities, whenever possible. You'll want to ensure that your students have access to the regular education curriculum, regular extra-curricular activities, and any other programs regular education students participate in, as long as the student does not have a disability that requires his/her exclusion. You'll want your special education students should feel as through the fit in with the school community, not alienated from it.
Know the secret to being a successful Special Ed. teacher!
What is the key to being a successful special ed. teacher? It's being an expert in differentiated instruction! Yes it's true that all teachers need to differentiate their lessons to meet the learning styles, academic needs, and interests of their students. But in special education, it's not only a recommended teaching technique, it's essential!
Unlike other teachers, you'll never be able to open a teacher resource manual and begin teaching the lessons as-is. You'll need to adapt each lesson so that the children in your class are learning as much as possible, given their own personal strengths and limitations. It is important to show how you will use differentiation to adapt the curriculum to meet the individual learning needs of your students.
For additional information about finding teaching jobs, the teacher interview process, common teacher interview questions and answers, building a teaching portfolio, and resume and cover letter information, you may want to download a copy of "Guide to Getting the Teaching Job of Your Dreams" from
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