Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Lowongan BUMN: LKBN Antara

ANTARA has been officially serving as a National News Agency since 1962. It was declared as a public corporation in July, 2007. With 32 bureaus nationwide, a number of representative offices and correspondents abroad.

ANTARA news service on the web gives subscribers easy and comfortable access to all latest news with different categories around the clock everyday.
ANTARA news portal (http://www.antaranews.com) has been running since January, 1996, with a view to meet the public need in obtaining fast, accurate, comprehensive and advantageous information. The portal uses two languages (Indonesia and English) in order to give international community comprehensive and credible information on Indonesia currently.
With ANTARA’s good reputation in Asia and its global networks, the portal offers different pieces of information which have been serving as reference which can attract Internet end-users worldwide. With pageviews reaching 7 million a month and one third of visitors access the portal from foreign countries (see the table), the portal’s rank continues to increase according to Alexa.com.
Advertisement in the ANTARA Portal
The ANTARA Portal offers different advantages to those who want to advertise their products in the portal.

  1. The good reputation of ANTARA as a credible
  2. news agency will uphold the image of the products and services offered by the advertisers.
  3. Different characteristics of the visitors
  4. from various countries in the world reflect potential markets for products and services offered by the advertisers.
  5. Affordable fees for the advertisement help the advertisers spare their promotion costs.
  6. Advertisement can be put at strategic positions to make visitors easy to see it.
  7. Advertisers can change materials of their advertisement twice in a month with the same sizes.
  8. Advertisers can know statistic data on the frequency of their advertisements and the number of visitors who hit the advertisement

Perum LKBN Antara membutuhkan beberapa tenaga untuk mengisi posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

  1. IT Support & Helpdesk
  2. Jakarta Raya


  • Usia Maksimal 25 Tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma 3 (D-3) Teknik Komputer/ Teknik Informatika/ Sistem Informasi, dengan IPK 2,75
  • Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja di Lingkup IT minimal 1 Tahun
  • Menguasai berbagai operating sistem, troubleshoot hardware dan software.
  • Menguasai Jaringan Windows Server dan Linux Server, IP Routing Address dan Networking TCP/IP (Subneting, routing, DHCP, DNS, SMTP, SNMP, FTP)
  • Menguasai LAN/WAN/VPN Manajemen serta konsep jaringan Windows dan Linux Server
  • Memahami konsep jaringan (keamanan/firewall, VPN, Switching, Router, Wifi mikrotik/Cisco)
  • Memiliki sertifikasi sesuai dengan bidang keahlian seperti CCNA, Linux, dll.
  • Diutamakan Berdomisili di JABODETABEK

Kirim Surat Lamaran, Daftar Riwayat Hidup, Pas Foto (3 x 4), serta Fotokopi Ijazah dan Sertifikat ke :

Departemen SDM Perum LKBN Antara
Wisma Antara, Lantai 19
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 17
Jakarta 10110
E-mail ke : recruitment-sdm@antara.net.id


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